Hendrick Z对《Joseph II: Volume I》的笔记(2)

Joseph II: Volume I
  • 书名: Joseph II: Volume I
  • 作者: Derek Beales
  • 副标题: In the Shadow of Maria Theresa, 1741-1780
  • 页数: 520
  • 出版社: Cambridge University Press
  • 出版年: 1987
  • 第97页


    The question how many troops we ought to maintain in peacetime to ensure the safety of the state seems to me quite beside the point, since the more we have the better.


    A reform in which we find ourselves, it seems to me, would be our ruin... We should recall the example, still quite recent but very striking, of the emperor Charles VI who, one year after dismissing a good part of his army, was attacked from all sides and lost, through his own fault and that of his bad councillors, the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily. The emperor Charles VI was infinitely more powerful than Your Majesty. He had, in addition to what we now possess, Naples, Sicily and the whole of Silesia; his territories were not exhausted, since they had enjoyed a very long peace; he had generals of great reputation and vast experience; his enemies were not very numerous. He hardly needed to fear anyone save the Turks and the French ... even the king of Prussia was then regarded only as a minor power ... But when I think of our present situation, the meer word reform makes me tremble. If we cannot compel the king of Prussia to evacuate Saxony - as seems to be the case, since 500,000 men have already worked at it to no avail for five years - what sort of peace can we hope for? Undoubtedly the most advantageous we can get will merely restrict him to the same frontiers as those he had before this war. But what thereafter protect us from the insults of this enemy, as redoubtable as he is implacable? Our alliances? Certainly not ....

    {列举查理六世的前车之鉴,more powerful than Your Majesty太过直率了= =}

    The king of Prussia has just proved to all Europe what he did not himself believe [possible], that on his own he is in a position not only to oppose the united forces [of France, Russia, Sweden, the Empire and ourselves], but even to constrain them to seek an unfavourable peace ...

    {对弗雷德里希的敬畏,what he did not himself believe尤其很妙}

    Here we are then at the mercy of the king of Prussia and of the Turks! ... What would we do if, for example, we had [the Turks] at Buda in June ...? We should have to weigh the kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia against one another and choose which it would be least bad to lose ... Your Majesty can reckon that, once peace has been made, if there is ever a war with the Turks ... you will have the king of Prussia on your hands as well. Should one think of reforming the army in this state of affairs? But, supposing that we have nothing to fear from the Turks, will the French alliance be eternal? May not some storm blow up in Italy or the Low Countries? If Bohemia and Moravia are at the disposal of the king of Prussia, Croatia and Banat at the Turks', would not Tuscany be equally agreeable to the king of Naples, Lombardy to the king of Sardinia, and the Netherlands to the French and the Dutch? ...


    However terrifying this picture, I believe it to be accurate, and I find no other means of countering the evils with which we are threatened than the maintainance of such number of troops as can make an impression on our neighbours. We are in debt up to our eyes, and the state is exhausted, it is true, but ... to allow ourselves to perish through retrenchment ... is very worst economy.

    {死于节俭是最糟糕的经济学,噗~~} 之后他给出了一个军队人数的最低安全界限——200000人,并在不限制其规模和效能的前提下提出了一些改革措施。鼓励农业和商业、减少不必要的花销、建立更有序的财政机制、精简政府机构……对建立国会的经费也有异议,因玛丽娅·特蕾西亚在这一过程中尽量确保没有官员的收入因此受损。相较于将各省税收集中到维也纳再分发给士兵,约瑟夫倾向于各省均供养一定数量的军团,和平时期军人可参与农业轮作或从事其他平民的生产——以此来解放中央国库。亦可鼓励农民养马,如果合格可由骑兵征用,否则可用于农业。

    2011-06-06 15:05:35 1人喜欢 回应
  • 第123页

    Staatskanzlei:State Chancellery Ungarische Hofkanzlei:Hungarian Court Chancellery,匈牙利宫廷枢密院? Directorium in publicis et cameralibus:简称Directorium(“总署”),豪格维茨改革的主要产物,管理波西米亚(含摩拉维亚)及大部分奥地利领土的事物并控制其财政收入 Ministerialbancohofdeputation或Banco:管理维也纳市立银行 Oberste Fustizstelle:既是司法机构也是审理奥地利及波西米亚境内诉讼的最高法院 Directorium in commercialibus:管理奥地利及波西米亚的工商业 Sibenburgische Hofkanzlei:管理特兰西瓦尼亚事物 Hofkammer:征收及管理哈布斯堡君主国(the Monarchy)诸省(总署职权范围以外)的税收。 Staatsrat:国会,纯粹的咨议机构,不能向任何行政机构下达命令。主要负责国内事物,但也应关注君主国可能获取某种权利的领土;匈牙利、特兰西瓦尼亚、尼德兰和意大利诸省则不在其权限内。最初有6名成员及一名秘书。豪格维茨放弃在总署的领导地位加入国会,陆军元帅道恩伯爵放弃对陆军的指挥权及在军事部门(war department)的职务加入,他们与同为贵族(Herrenstand)的考尼茨、Blumegen伯爵(之前负责摩拉维亚事务)成为Ministers of State in German internal affairs(Staatsminister in deutsch-inlandischen Geschaften)。拥有骑士(Ritterstand)身份的Stupan、Borie成为state councillor(Staatsrat),薪俸较低。国务秘书名为Konig。 国会成立后,总署被剥夺了它的财政职能,变成了单纯的bohmisch-osterreichische Hofkanzlei(Austro-Bohemian Court Chancellery,奥地利及波西米亚宫廷枢密院?),其原有的财政职能被分散于Hofkammer、新独立出来的Kommerzienrat(board of trade,贸易部)及三个新部门:standische Credits-Deputation(Estates credit commission,邦国信用委员会?负责管理中央领土上各邦国的信用行为)、Generalkassa(负责接收及支出财政收入)、Hofrechenkammer(exchequer,国库,负责记录账务及支付金钱)。 【关于Generalkassa、Hofkammer和Hofrechenkammer,约瑟夫二世本人在他的一份政治备忘录里有一个更形象、清晰的比喻:一个装满的钱包、一个负责装满它的人和一个负责记账以说明它如何被掏空的人……】 Reichshofrat:Aulic Council,宫廷法院? Reichskammergericht:Imperial Chamber,帝国法院? Reichshofkanzlei:为皇帝处理帝国事务的机构,首脑为科罗埃多。1767年1月约瑟夫根据考尼茨的建议建立了新的帝国事务机构Conference for the Affairs of the Reich,由科罗埃多、Pergen和Borie组成,科罗埃多和Reichshofkanzlei的影响力遭到削弱。 暂时以上……有问号的全部存疑……

    2011-06-26 21:35:57 回应