Hath homely age th'alluring beauty took
From my poor cheek? then he hath wasted it.
And my discourses dull? barren my wit?
If voluable and sharp discourse be marred,
Unkindness blunts it more than marble hard.
Do their gay vestments his affections bait?
That's not my fault, he's master of my state. (查看原文)
Thou art an elm, my husband, I a vine,
Whose weakness, married to thy stronger state,
Makes me with thy strength to communicate:
If aught possess thee from me, it is dross,
Usurping ivy, briar, or idle moss,
Who, all for want of pruning, with intrusion
Infect thy sap and live on thy confusion. (查看原文)
0 有用 柴妮思 2019-05-24 12:22:38
可笑我被当作他,他被当作我 (一看就是两对同卵双胞胎
0 有用 kapy83 2010-08-05 16:44:24
3 有用 亞歷山大裡亞 2017-12-19 22:59:35
1 有用 长东小蛋糕 2011-11-01 15:02:35
0 有用 穆如初 2022-10-20 00:38:51 四川
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