Dazzling...Pinker's big idea is that language is an instinct...as innate to us as flying is to geese...Words can hardly do justice to the superlative range and liveliness of Pinker's investigations' - "Independent". 'A marvelously readable book...illuminates every facet of human language: its biological origin, its uniqueness to humanity, its acquisition by children, its gramma...
Dazzling...Pinker's big idea is that language is an instinct...as innate to us as flying is to geese...Words can hardly do justice to the superlative range and liveliness of Pinker's investigations' - "Independent". 'A marvelously readable book...illuminates every facet of human language: its biological origin, its uniqueness to humanity, its acquisition by children, its grammatical structure, the production and perception of speech, the pathology of language disorders and the unstoppable evolution of languages and dialects' - "Nature".
This, in a nutshell, is the theory of thinking called "the physical symbol system hypothesis" or the "computational" or "representational" theory of mind. It is as fundamental to cognitive science as the cell doctrine is to biology and plate tectonics is to geology. Cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists are trying to figure out what kinds of representations and processors the brain has. But there are ground rules that must be followed at all times: no little men inside, and no peeking. The representations that one posits in the mind have to be arrangements of symbols, and the processor has to be a device with a fixed set of reflexes, period. The combination, acting all by itself, has to produce the intelligent conclusions. The theorist is forbidden to peer inside and "read" the symbo... (查看原文)
So here is the question: Do they in fact? For example, if we know that Socrates is a man, is it because we have neural patterns that correspond one-to- one to the English words Socrates, is, a, and man, and groups of neurons in the brain that correspond to the subject of an English sentence, the verb, and the object, laid out in that order? Or do we use some other code for representing concepts and their relations in our heads, a language of thought or mentalese that is not the same as any of the world's languages? We can answer this question by seeing whether English sentences embody the information that a processor would need to perform valid sequences of reasoning— without requiring any fully intelligent homunculus inside doing the "understanding."
The answer is a clear no. English (or ... (查看原文)
《语言本能》:人类语言进化的奥秘(The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creater Language)是史蒂芬‧平克(Steven Pinker)的一部革命性著作。 对于这样一本语言学大作,再加上各路大牛的如潮好评,我感觉阅读压力的巨大,担心由于读不好而降低了书的价值。但同时也充满...
这版忍无可忍的语病/翻译错误列一下 【】内是我的翻译或吐槽。非英文专业,有错误请指出。 P54 head, fall, me no good 头,掉下来了,我没有用了 【头,摔到了,我感觉不太好】 P79 he manipulates the sculptures in his mind's eye 他在脑内操弄他的雕像 【不能用摆弄吗啊...
《语言本能 (the language instinct)》是一本打着科普读物旗号的学术专著。他的作者史蒂芬・平克(Steven Pinker) 于1982年到2003年于MIT的脑与认知科学系任教,于2003年任职哈佛大学心理学教授,并在之后获得名誉教授头衔。MIT,“语言先天派”的语言科学家们的聚集地,Pinke...
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