出版社: Scribner
副标题: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
出版年: 2017-10-3
页数: 368
定价: USD 27.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781501144318
内容简介 · · · · · ·
The first sleep book by a leading scientific expert—Professor Matthew Walker, Director of UC Berkeley’s Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab—reveals his groundbreaking exploration of sleep, explaining how we can harness its transformative power to change our lives for the better.
Sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life, wellness, and longevity. Until v...
The first sleep book by a leading scientific expert—Professor Matthew Walker, Director of UC Berkeley’s Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab—reveals his groundbreaking exploration of sleep, explaining how we can harness its transformative power to change our lives for the better.
Sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life, wellness, and longevity. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why we suffer such devastating health consequences when we don't sleep. Compared to the other basic drives in life—eating, drinking, and reproducing—the purpose of sleep remained elusive.
An explosion of scientific discoveries in the last twenty years has shed new light on this fundamental aspect of our lives. Now, preeminent neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker gives us a new understanding of the vital importance of sleep and dreaming. Within the brain, sleep enriches our ability to learn, memorize, and make logical decisions. It recalibrates our emotions, restocks our immune system, fine-tunes our metabolism, and regulates our appetite. Dreaming mollifies painful memories and creates a virtual reality space in which the brain melds past and present knowledge to inspire creativity.
Walker answers important questions about sleep: how do caffeine and alcohol affect sleep? What really happens during REM sleep? Why do our sleep patterns change across a lifetime? How do common sleep aids affect us and can they do long-term damage? Charting cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs, and synthesizing decades of research and clinical practice, Walker explains how we can harness sleep to improve learning, mood, and energy levels; regulate hormones; prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes; slow the effects of aging; increase longevity; enhance the education and lifespan of our children, and boost the efficiency, success, and productivity of our businesses. Clear-eyed, fascinating, and accessible, Why We Sleep is a crucial and illuminating book
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Matthew Walker is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at UC Berkeley, the Director of its Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab, and a former professor of psychiatry at Harvard University. He has published over 100 scientific studies and has appeared on 60 Minutes, Nova, BBC News, and NPR’s Science Friday. Why We Sleep is his first book.
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比尔·盖茨的2019年冬季书单里推荐了一本和睡眠有关的书——Why we sleep,中文译名是《我们为什么要睡觉》。 盖茨曾坦言说,这本书是他的女儿詹妮弗和约翰·杜尔推荐给他的,而他在读完这本书后,意识到了自己通宵工作,外加几乎没能睡够8小时的睡眠习惯,给自己造成了极大的... (展开)看了这本书,再也不敢熬夜了
最近看了一本书,颠覆了我对睡眠这件事的认知。 我们一生中有1/3的时间都在睡觉,但你真的了解睡眠这件事吗? 你知道鬼压床背后的生物学原理是什么吗? 你知道做梦对我们的心理乃至健康有着怎样重要的意义吗? 你知道睡眠不足会造成认知障碍、诱发多种疾病、甚至会导致死亡吗?... (展开)好好睡觉,被严重忽视的人生大事
“要使大脑和身体健康恢复到最佳状态,我们唯一能做的也是最有效的事,就是睡觉。”然而,缺乏睡眠,却成了全球的流行病。 创立了“人类睡眠科学中心”的英国学者马修·沃克在其书《我们为什么要睡觉?》中,逐一分析了侵蚀我们睡眠自由的现代生活方式——电灯、iPad、酒精、恒... (展开)论坛 · · · · · ·
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国内近期会出么? | 来自懒躺乱翻书 | 5 回应 | 2021-04-24 17:24:36 |
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以下书单推荐 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
- 比尔·盖茨年度与夏季荐书 (柏林见心)
- 比尔盖茨的书单(2013-2021 英中对照版) (慢Man)
- Coconut: 英文作品序列 (Azeril)
- 比尔盖茨的书单·中英·2010 to now (忻峤)
- Book List (None-fiction) (Super Neo)
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148 有用 豆友1680017 2019-01-31 15:43:55
总之,鼓吹每天睡三小时看四点钟的洛杉矶,是现代人类最愚蠢的观念之一。普通的说,这本书讲的很多新研究结论很有意思,比如晚上喝酒、吃褪黑素对睡眠其实危害巨大。但是我更看重作者的私货:“既然演化让几乎所有动物都具有睡眠这种近乎自杀性的行为,那么一定有什么重要得要命的理由。”作者对这个理由的猜测是我见过的最接近准确的答案:nREM睡眠是腾空临时记忆空间,而REM睡眠是将这些存储转移到永久存储中;而梦的作用... 总之,鼓吹每天睡三小时看四点钟的洛杉矶,是现代人类最愚蠢的观念之一。普通的说,这本书讲的很多新研究结论很有意思,比如晚上喝酒、吃褪黑素对睡眠其实危害巨大。但是我更看重作者的私货:“既然演化让几乎所有动物都具有睡眠这种近乎自杀性的行为,那么一定有什么重要得要命的理由。”作者对这个理由的猜测是我见过的最接近准确的答案:nREM睡眠是腾空临时记忆空间,而REM睡眠是将这些存储转移到永久存储中;而梦的作用是让人对一段记忆安全地去除感情。 (展开)
4 有用 elimu 2019-06-10 15:37:39
1 有用 花絮袭人 2020-05-17 21:15:14
2 有用 阿依达 2021-08-05 06:19:49
nREM睡眠让人把短期记忆变为长期记忆,恢复短期记忆的空间,而REM睡眠调节情感、增强创造力、降低焦虑值。闹钟会让人有战逃反应,增加压力和心脏病几率。睡眠的tips有:保持规律的睡眠时间;睡前泡热水澡;三点后不打盹;睡前几小时不吃东西不运动;拒绝咖啡因和酒精;睡前避免看手机,把屋子温度调低(75度);睡不着不要强行辗转反侧,起身换个环境等有困意了再回到床上。现在市面上已经有一些能测试睡眠质量和脑波... nREM睡眠让人把短期记忆变为长期记忆,恢复短期记忆的空间,而REM睡眠调节情感、增强创造力、降低焦虑值。闹钟会让人有战逃反应,增加压力和心脏病几率。睡眠的tips有:保持规律的睡眠时间;睡前泡热水澡;三点后不打盹;睡前几小时不吃东西不运动;拒绝咖啡因和酒精;睡前避免看手机,把屋子温度调低(75度);睡不着不要强行辗转反侧,起身换个环境等有困意了再回到床上。现在市面上已经有一些能测试睡眠质量和脑波的gadgets,还有睡眠灯,可以尝试一下。但总之,做着加班是常态、时常要熬夜甚至通宵的工作,真的无法控制自己的睡眠啊,看了这本书之后,意识到不睡觉约等于自杀,可能会带来更多的焦虑吧。许多跟我差不多届的法学院同学们,去年以来多多少少都有了一些睡眠障碍,有的睡不着,有的惊醒,有的早早醒来陷入抑郁情绪。 (展开)
26 有用 没有色彩的红魔 2018-01-05 23:39:07
0 有用 jane cen 2024-10-04 21:31:04 广东
0 有用 隐秘沙茶酱 2024-10-02 01:14:39 上海
0 有用 恍若隔世 2024-09-09 12:36:48 美国
good book, not all arguments are sound, but it at least induced a lot of positive changes.
0 有用 魔法ABC 2024-09-04 00:34:11 美国
I will never feel guilty about sleeping a lot now! :)
0 有用 彭彭 2024-08-25 11:18:47 上海