出版社: Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
副标题: How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass
出版年: 2019-5-7
页数: 288
定价: GBP 20.66
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781328566249
内容简介 · · · · · ·
In the spirit of Nickel and Dimed, a necessary and revelatory expose of the invisible human workforce that powers the web—and that foreshadows the true future of work. Hidden beneath the surface of the web, lost in our wrong-headed debates about AI, a new menace is looming. Anthropologist Mary L. Gray and computer scientist Siddharth Suri team up to unveil how services delivere...
In the spirit of Nickel and Dimed, a necessary and revelatory expose of the invisible human workforce that powers the web—and that foreshadows the true future of work. Hidden beneath the surface of the web, lost in our wrong-headed debates about AI, a new menace is looming. Anthropologist Mary L. Gray and computer scientist Siddharth Suri team up to unveil how services delivered by companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Uber can only function smoothly thanks to the judgment and experience of a vast, invisible human labor force. These people doing "ghost work" make the internet seem smart. They perform high-tech piecework: flagging X-rated content, proofreading, designing engine parts, and much more. An estimated 8 percent of Americans have worked at least once in this “ghost economy,” and that number is growing. They usually earn less than legal minimums for traditional work, they have no health benefits, and they can be fired at any time for any reason, or none. There are no labor laws to govern this kind of work, and these latter-day assembly lines draw in—and all too often overwork and underpay—a surprisingly diverse range of workers: harried young mothers, professionals forced into early retirement, recent grads who can’t get a toehold on the traditional employment ladder, and minorities shut out of the jobs they want. Gray and Suri also show how ghost workers, employers, and society at large can ensure that this new kind of work creates opportunity—rather than misery—for those who do it.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Mary L. Gray is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research and Fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. She is also Associate Professor of the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering with affiliations in the Media School, Anthropology, and Gender Studies at Indiana University. Mary draws on anthropology, gender studies, and media t...
Mary L. Gray is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research and Fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. She is also Associate Professor of the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering with affiliations in the Media School, Anthropology, and Gender Studies at Indiana University. Mary draws on anthropology, gender studies, and media theory to understand how technology access, material conditions, and everyday uses of media transform people's lives.
Siddharth Suri is a computational social scientist whose research interests lie at the intersection of computer science, behavioral economics and crowdsourcing. His early work analyzed the relationship between network topology and human behavior. Since then he has become one of the leaders in designing, building, and conducting "virtual lab" experiments using Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Most recently, he has been studying the behavior and dynamics of the crowd workers themselves.
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Ghost Work的书评 · · · · · · ( 全部 22 条 )
想象一个二十出头的女人,站在芝加哥的路边——我们姑且叫她埃米莉。埃米莉在智能手机上打开优步(Uber)应用程序,一位优步司机山姆接了单。山姆昨天晚上为给女朋友过生日刮掉了胡子。现在,他早晨上车时登记的这张自拍与他登记的身份证照片不符——这是2016年优步推出的“实... (展开)人工智能背后的隐匿人类工作
两位研究者分别是人类学家和计算机科学家,专业背景完美契合了课题方向,很扎实的量化研究和田野调查,对美国和印度的工作做了200多次采访,收集了大量调查问卷,并对按需工作平台做了几十个行为实验和社交网络分析,贡献了有很多鲜活有价值的案例。建构了如“疼痛量表”“三种... (展开)值得一看,更值得思考,未来的工作和组织,也许就是按需工作和社区型的组织。
ChatGPT 会让普通人失去工作吗?
> 更多书评 22篇
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0 有用 廖芜 2020-11-15 05:04:19
关于被隐藏的科技产业的临时工人们的ethnography,但也仅仅就是ethnography而已,全书没有理论,即使是和这个话题最相关的platform capitalism都没有提到。又是一本误以为是学术书的大众读物?再这么下去真的是要对自己选书失望了(毕竟不能对创新学失望不是)。。。。
0 有用 pumpkin 2021-04-10 15:24:12
crowdsourcing/gig economy
0 有用 孤岛 2020-10-14 19:12:37
结论挺有用的,但是写得实在不像一个民族志,感觉细节不够。 关于在线平台劳工如何自主地连接起来,这个问题写得挺有趣的。
0 有用 Renee 2022-06-26 11:25:33
0 有用 Zzzzzzxx 2020-03-30 23:43:35
0 有用 Bertas 2024-09-01 16:58:03 浙江
0 有用 rebel 2023-02-28 22:15:18 河南
ghost work的底层逻辑就是neo-liberalism,世界由狮子(the wall street)和狐狸(silicon valley)和bewildered herd(the underclass)组成
0 有用 Renee 2022-06-26 11:25:33
1 有用 魏禾Ifree 2022-04-11 20:57:46
零工和平台形成了幽灵工作,是一种全新工人类型;提出“自动化的最后一英里悖论”,自动化和AI需要人类,一直会有新工作和新需求,临时劳动力一直必要,但它被贬值了,没有被编入正式的全职的就业分类,作者呼吁看到并承认它们;分析了“算法残忍”,算法无法思考,更不会移情,交易成本更多由工人承担,三种算法残忍:1. always on call and hypervigilant 2. no guidance ... 零工和平台形成了幽灵工作,是一种全新工人类型;提出“自动化的最后一英里悖论”,自动化和AI需要人类,一直会有新工作和新需求,临时劳动力一直必要,但它被贬值了,没有被编入正式的全职的就业分类,作者呼吁看到并承认它们;分析了“算法残忍”,算法无法思考,更不会移情,交易成本更多由工人承担,三种算法残忍:1. always on call and hypervigilant 2. no guidance 3. 封账号;临时劳动力并不新鲜,绝不是技术导致的,如今的按需工作仅是“幽灵工作”的最新版本:从曾经的计件工作到外包到on-demand jobs;作者更多聚焦工人,按需劳动看起来原子化、短暂,但工人们会自己把人性和意义重新放回到工作中,并且会自发主动合作;尽管分析简单,但是值得一读 (展开)
0 有用 pumpkin 2021-04-10 15:24:12
crowdsourcing/gig economy